start/stop script

start script „.sh“ datei anlegen z.b:
#!/bin/sh # # Minecraft server startup script # Revision 1.0 # Created by ZiggidyZ, Jan 10, 2023 # Script works on Ubuntu Server 20.04.5 LTS # # #################################################################################### # #The directory where your minecraft server folders are located SOURCE=/opt/minecraft/bedrock # #The number of servers which will be running, they need to all be named below as SERVERX where X is the server number NUMSERVERS=2 # #The name of each server which is running SERVER1=bedrock-server1 SERVER2=bedrock-server2 # # For loop that starts each server for ((X=1; X<="$NUMSERVERS"; X++)); do # declare -n SERVER=SERVER$X # #Checks to see if the screen session already exists CHECK=`screen -list | grep -o $SERVER` if [ $SERVER == $CHECK ] then echo "$SERVER is already running" else #If not already running the screen session is opened and the server is started screen -A -m -d -L -Logfile "$SOURCE/$SERVER/Logs/$SERVER.log" -S $SERVER screen -S $SERVER -p 0 -X stuff "cd $SOURCE/$SERVER^M" screen -S $SERVER -p 0 -X stuff "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./bedrock_server^M" screen -rD $SERVER -X multiuser on screen -rD $SERVER -X acladd root fi done
im terminal jenachdem, pfad anpassen wo start script abgelegt wurde
bash /opt/minecraft/
stop script „.sh“ datei anlegen z.b:
#!/bin/sh # # Minecraft server startup script # Revision 1.0 # Created by ZiggidyZ, Jan 10, 2023 # Script works on Ubuntu Server 20.04.5 LTS # # #################################################################################### # #The directory where your minecraft server folders are located SOURCE=/opt/minecraft/bedrock # #The number of servers which will be running, they need to all be named below as SERVERX where X is the server number NUMSERVERS=2 # #The name of each server which is running SERVER1=bedrock-server1 SERVER2=bedrock-server2 # # For loop that starts each server for ((X=1; X<="$NUMSERVERS"; X++)); do # declare -n SERVER=SERVER$X # #Checks to see if the screen session already exists CHECK=`screen -list | grep -o $SERVER` if [ $SERVER == $CHECK ] then screen -XS $SERVER quit else #If not already running the screen session is opened and the server is started screen -XS $SERVER quit fi done
terminal: jenachdem, pfad anpassen wo stop script abgelegt wurde
bash /opt/minecraft/